11th Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators, 7-9 February 2018

Title:              11th Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators

Date:              7-9 February 2018

Venue:           Nairobi, Kenya

Organizers:   Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest), the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the South Centre



The South Centre joins the International Institute for Sustainable Development annually in co-organizing the forum for developing country investment negotiators. The forum is a unique space dedicated to discussing current trends and perspectives in regard to international investment agreements, with a focus on developing countries’ experiences and objectives. It is dedicated to sharing of experiences and lessons learned from different national and regional contexts.

The 11th Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators was held between February 7 and 9, 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. The event was organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the South Centre and co-hosted by the Kenya Investment Authority.

This year, the meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the changing world of investment negotiations, particularly the design of investment treaties and reform of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the perspective of sustainable development.



Participants reviewed trends and processes in international investment policy-making currently taking place at the national, regional and multilateral level. The agenda also considered discussions on challenges, opportunities and strategic options for developing countries to identify potential solutions to the issues faced by countries and finding common ground and ways forward.






10th Annual Forum of Developing Country Investment Negotiators Report

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