Analytical Note, July 2017

The WTO’s Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Attempts are made to revitalise the fisheries subsidies negotiations at the WTO with the aim of achieving an outcome at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference in December 2017.

This paper first reviews the problems of overcapacity, overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the growing role played by UN instruments aimed at making fishing more sustainable. It then provides an overview on fisheries subsidies provided today (how much, who provides them, the types of subsidies given), highlighting the particular case of EU fisheries subsidies. This is followed by an account of developments up to 2016, including Sustainable Development Goal 14 and the Transpacific Partnership Agreement. Finally, the recent fisheries subsidies proposals in the WTO are analysed, providing a basis for identification of key issues for consideration by developing countries in the on-going negotiations.

Download the analytical note below:

The WTO’s Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

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