Development Policies

SouthViews No. 20, 18 July 2012

Sustainable Development as an Answer to Economic and Financial Crises

Below is the speech delivered by Dr Yilmaz Akyüz, Chief Economist of the South Centre on the Sustainable Development Dialogue Roundtable on the Global Financial Crisis, UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012, in Rio de Janeiro on 16 June 2012. (more…)

Research Paper 38, May 2011

The MDGs beyond 2015.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are in the news. It is ten years since these were adopted by the United Nations. And, in late September 2010, political leaders from across the world gathered in New York for a meeting of the General Assembly to discuss the past decade and the next quinquennium. This is the life span of the MDGs which are the focus of attention among people for different reasons. (more…)

Research Paper 33, November 2010

The Equitable Sharing of Atmospheric and Development Space: Some Critical Aspect.

This Research Paper aims to contribute to the discussion on the issues of environment, development and equity that are at the centre of the climate, development and equity nexus. (more…)

Policy Brief 3, September 2010

Some preliminary thoughts on new international economic cooperation.

The developed countries have acted as engines of economic growth in the world for nearly half a century; but they may not continue to have that role for long. With their negligible population growth and low level of GDP growth, they are unlikely to generate significant additional consumer demand. (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2010

EPAs: The Wrong Development Model for Africa And Options for the Future.

The EPAs provide the wrong development model for Africa, and will jeopardize African countries’ development and regional integration prospects, rather than support them. Until now, only 10 out of 47 African countries have signed the EPA – most are dragging out the negotiations because they are reluctant or are resisting signing, due to their anti-developmental content. (more…)

Policy Brief 18, November 2009

Is Development Back in the Doha Round?.

As trade ministers prepare to assemble November 30 in Geneva for further WTO talks, they are hearing another round of new and refurbished projections of how much wealthier the world might be after liberalizing trade.  (more…)

Research Paper 20, May 2009

Industrialisation and Industrial Policy in Africa: Is It a Policy Priority?.

The importance of industrialisation as an engine of economic growth and development cannot be overstated. Industrial production creates job opportunities at higher skill levels, facilitates denser links across the services and agricultural sectors, between rural and urban economies and between consumer, intermediate and capital goods industries. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2008

Developing country perspectives on the role of the Development Cooperation Forum: building strategic approaches to enhancing multilateral development cooperation.

This Analytical Note follows up the study on stakeholder perspectives on the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) prepared by the South Centre entitled “Reshaping the International Development Cooperation Architecture: Perspectives on a Strategic Development Role for the Development Cooperation Forum” (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Reshaping the international development cooperation architecture: perspectives on strategic development role for the Development Cooperation Forum.

This Analytical Note presents the findings of a research project undertaken by the South Centre designed to gather insights and perspectives from various stakeholders – including developing country governments and civil society. (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Fact Sheet 12: EPAs and Development Assistance: Rebalancing Rights and Obligations.

The purpose of this analytical note is to highlight the inherent imbalances interim EPA texts contain with regard to development assistance. Its analysis, furthermore, can provide guidance to regions and countries that need to (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

Mercosur’s experience and progress towards true regional integration.

This South Centre Analytical Note provides a background and discussion on the history of the Mercado Común del Sur – Mercosur’s regional economic and political cooperation and the insights it can provide to developing countries seeking to build greater integration in their region. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

Comments on the 3rd high level forum on aid effectiveness. Final Draft of the Accra Agenda for Action.

This South Centre Analytical Note looks at the 25 July 2008 final draft text of the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) that is being proposed for adoption by participants at the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra, Ghana, in September 2008. (more…)


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