Global Economic and Development Policies

Research Paper 83, November 2017

China’s Debt Problem and Rising Systemic Risks: Impact of the global financial crisis and structural problems

The fast expansion of China’s debt, in particular corporate and local government debt, has attracted international attention and has also become a major concern of China’s policy makers. Even though China can tolerate a higher debt level than many other emerging and developing economies owing to the sheer size and other special features of the Chinese economy, systemic risks for financial stability have been rising since the global financial crisis and the cushions built in the past decades to withstand a higher debt level have also been weakened. (more…)

Statement, November 2017

South Centre Statement for the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development

Below is the statement by the South Centre during the first session of the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development (IGE Ffd) held in Geneva on 8-10 November 2017.


SC Book Launch, 10 November 2017

Title:               “Another Crisis in the Making?” Book Launch of Dr. Yilmaz Akyuz’s Playing with Fire,

                          Deepened Financial Integration and Changing Vulnerabilities of the Global South

Date:                Friday, 10  November 2017, 13h00-15h00

Venue:             Room XXII, Palais des Nations, the United Nations Office in Geneva

Organizers:   The South Centre


Research Paper 80, October 2017

The Commodity-Finance Nexus: Twin Boom and Double Whammy

International commodity prices and capital inflows to developing countries are increasingly synchronized, subjecting commodity-dependent economies to double boom-bust cycles.  (more…)

Contribution to UNCTAD IGE FFD, November 2017

Input of the South Centre to the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development

This   is   a   contribution   by   the   South   Centre   to   the   first   session   of   the   UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development (IGE-FFD) that will take place on 8-10 November 2017. (more…)

SouthViews No. 155, 25 October 2017

The Trump tax reform plan is likely to negatively affect developing countries

By Yuefen LI

The Trump administration has proposed a tax reform framework to the US Congress. Major components are a large reduction in the corporate tax rate, changes to the way US profits currently earned abroad are taxed, and how past profits parked abroad are treated if brought home. All these reforms if accepted by Congress, will most likely have adverse effects for developing countries, including by increasing capital flows from and reducing FDI to them. (more…)

Statement, October 2017

South Centre Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24

Below is the statement by the South Centre’s Executive Director Mr. Martin Khor which was distributed during the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Twenty-four held in Washington DC on 12 October 2017.


SC Book Launch, 9 October 2017

Title:               Advice and Dissent – Dr. Y.V. Reddy’s Life in Public Service

Date:                Monday, 9 October 2017, 13:00-15:00H

Venue:             Julius Nyerere Conference Room, The South Centre, Geneva

Organizers:    The South Centre


SC Side Event to the UNGA 72, 21 September 2017

Title:              Rethinking Development in the Context of the 2030 Agenda – A South Centre interaction with developing country delegations on key issues and challenges ahead in the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the UNGA 72 session

Date:              Thursday, 21 September 2017, 16:00-18:00

Venue:           Conference Room D at the UN Headquarters, New York

Organizers:  The South Centre


Policy Brief 44, August 2017

Industrialization, inequality and sustainability: What kind of industry policy do we need?

The 2030 Agenda includes as Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) the commitment to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The entry of this goal into the 2030 Agenda is an achievement for developing countries who have a very diverse situation in terms of population sizes, per capita incomes, economic sizes and structures, political systems, cultures but share the common feature of an underdeveloped industrial sector.Therefore, in order to implement SDG 9 pro-active industry policies are needed that take into account aspects of inequality and sustainability.


SouthViews No. 154, 4 August 2017

Public-Private Partnerships as the Answer . . . What was the Question?

By Manuel F. Montes

In discussions at the UN about achieving Agenda 2030, it has become de rigueur to highlight the role of the private sector. It is often introduced as the discovery of the idea that private sector investment and financing is indispensable to achieving Agenda 2030. For developed country diplomats and their associated experts this new celebrity treatment appears to be an article of faith, at least during negotiations on economic matters in the UN. They are foisting a misleading Trumpian exaggeration that is technically harmful to development policymaking and to Agenda 2030. (more…)

Policy Brief 43, August 2017

The Financial Crisis and the Global South: Impact and Prospects

The world economy has not still recovered from the effects of the financial crisis that began almost a decade ago first in the US and then in Europe.  Policy response to the crisis, the combination of fiscal restraint and ultra-easy monetary policy, has not only failed to bring about a robust recovery but has also aggravated systemic problems in the global economy, notably inequality and chronic demand gap, on the one hand, and financial fragility, on the other. It has generated strong destabilizing spillovers to the Global South.  (more…)


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