Global Economic and Development Policies

Analytical Note, February 2008

Promoting the Development of the South in the Trade and Climate Regimes.

This South Centre Analytical Note stresses that addressing the challenges of development and climate change requires an integrated approach. Both the trade and climate regimes have a role to play. (more…)

Policy Discussion Paper on Integrating Development in Climate Change, November 2007

Integrating Development in Climate Change.

Human-induced climate change is now well recognized as a physical and global reality. Global warming associated with climate change has begun to affect global weather patterns, sea levels, snow cover, ice sheets and rainfall. Regional climate patterns shifts are already affecting watersheds and ecosystems all over the world. (more…)

Research Paper 11, March 2007

Development at crossroads: The economic partnership agreement negotiations with Eastern and Southern African countries on trade in services.

In simple terms, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are intergovernmental Agreements that manage and promote trade activities in specific regions of the world, aimed at reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade between members. RTAs may solely address trade integration, or may be part of a wider Regional Integration Agreement (RIA), which encompasses governance and political issues. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2007

Getting UNCTAD XII right: recommendations on theme and sub-themes.

This South Centre Analytical Note makes some recommendations on the possible theme and sub-themes for UNCTAD XII. It seeks to provide a conceptual overview of what UNCTAD XII should focus on so that the results of the ministerial conference will be an UNCTAD that is stronger, better able to play a significant role in global economic governance, and more capable of (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2006

Reinvigorating UNCTAD? Comments on the eminent persons’ panel report on enhancing the development role and impact of UNCTAD.

This South Centre Analytical Note responds to the Eminent Persons’ Panel Report on “Enhancing the Development Role and Impact of UNCTAD” by highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of the Report that developing countries might wish to consider. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2006

Internet governance for development.

This South Centre Analytical Note provides a brief discussion of the linkage between Internet Governance and development. It suggests that agenda topics of the 2006 Internet Governance Forum should focus on development, capacity building, and increasing the level of democracy and transparency of Internet Governance. (more…)

Research Paper 7, July 2006

Reinventing UNCTAD.

The establishment of UNCTAD by the UN General Assembly in terms of Resolution 1995 (XIX) of 30 December 1964, was a landmark in the history of the evolution of the United Nations. This new body of the United Nations brought it closest to discharging its Charter functions in the economic and social field and ushered in a golden era of international development co-operation. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Enhancig positive corporate contributions to development: making corporate responsability for development operational in the UNCTAD XI MTR context.

This South Centre Analysis provides a discussion of the concept of corporate responsibility for development, existing initial initiatives in this area, and the need for UNCTAD to ensure that its mandate coming from UNCTAD XI to undertake work in this area results in substantive outcomes. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Operationalizing the concept of policy space in the UNCTAD XI mid-term review context.

This South Centre Analytical Note provides a brief historical overview of the development of the concept of “policy space” for development in international forums and tries to suggest ways on how, in the context of the UNCTAD XI Mid-Term Review process, (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Enhancing positive corporate contributions to development: making corporate responsibility for development operational in the UNCTAD XI MTR context.

This paper is intended to provide readers with a brief overview of the current state of play (as of late March 2004) of the pre-conference negotiations, and then goes on to describe, paragraph by paragraph, the differences in negotiating positions among various countries. (more…)

Analytical Note, April 2006

Elements for the Architecture of Aid for Trade.

The underlying message of this paper is that aid for trade is important to mitigate trade-induced adjustment costs and to bolster supply-side capacity in developing countries. However, aid is only second-best to balanced, fair and equitable trading rules. (more…)

Research Paper 5, March 2006

Rethinking policy options for Export Earnings.

Although the structure of International Trade has changed significantly in favour of manufactures, primary commodities remain extremely important for several developing as well as Least Developed Countries. A large number are still dependent on a limited basket of primary commodities for their exports.



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