Labour and Migration

Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement Labour Ministers

Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement Labour Ministers

The Ministers of Labour of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) reflected on the progress made regarding fundamental labour principles and rights, on the occasion of the centenary of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and in the context of important changes in the world of work. The Declaration of the NAM Labour Ministers adopted during the 108th International Labour Conference in Geneva on 17 June 2019 can be found in the link below.


Research Paper 75, March 2017

Implementing Farmers’ Rights Relating to Seeds

The concept of Farmers’ Rights recognized the role of farmers as custodians of biodiversity and helped to draw attention to the need to preserve practices that are essential for sustainable agriculture. This paper examines one particular aspect of such rights, perhaps the most controversial. It deals with the component of farmers’ rights referring to the use, exchange and sale of farm-saved seeds. Although that concept was initially introduced in 1989 with the aim of balancing the rights of farmers as breeders and of commercial plant breeders, a specific reference to the rights relating to seeds was only introduced upon the conclusion of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) in 2001.


SouthViews No. 146, 17 March 2017

The robots are coming, your jobs are at risk

By Martin Khor

Automation linked with digital technology is predicted to take over millions of jobs, and developing countries are most susceptible to the disruptive effects.


Policy Brief 36, February 2017

Gandhi: Walking with us today

Gandhi, his writings and his words are as relevant as ever today as when he lived.   This is the theme of the Sixth Gandhi Memorial Lecture presented by Gurdial Singh Nijar, a prominent Malaysian lawyer and former law professor, and organised by the Gandhi Memorial Trust, Malaysia.   The text of the lecture, which was presented in Kuala Lumpur in October 2016, is published in this policy brief.


Research Paper 57, November 2014

Globalization, Export-Led Growth and Inequality: The East Asian Story

Over the last three decades, several East Asian economies have grown by leaps and bounds. The success of their export-led growth model is regarded, and copied, by many emerging economies as a sure path to achieve high-income status. But with impressive growth came worsening inequality both in personal income and functional income distribution. (more…)

Perspectives on Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development, January 2014

Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals: Perspectives of the South Centre

  • Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development

The United Nations’ Post-2015 Development Agenda should not simply extend MDGs, or reformulate the goals, but focus instead on global systemic reforms to remove main impediments to development and secure an accommodating international environment for sustainable development. (more…)

Research Paper 31, July 2010

Legal Analysis of Services and Investment in the Cariforum-EC EPA: Lessons for other Developing Countries.

This Research Paper is a legal analysis of the EC-Cariforum Services and Investment Chapter. It demystifies the many complex technical details in the EPA text and illustrates where this services and investment template goes beyond the WTO’s GATS. The paper highlights implications for other developing countries embarking on similar negotiations with the EU. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2009

Analysis of the Draft Interim Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (TSIA) of the EU-Central America FTA.

Currently, the EU and Central American countries are negotiating the Free Trade Agreement. The European Commission commissioned a Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (TSIA) which is estimated to be completed by August 2009. On 6 April 2009, the draft interim technical report was published (in English). (more…)

Research Paper 6, April 2006

Considering gender and the WTO services negotiations.

The objective of this paper is to raise awareness amongst trade negotiators from developing and least developed countries of the inter-relationship between gender and trade in services issues. The context is the negotiations within the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO). (more…)


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