Social Development

Regional training for patent office representatives in Kyiv, jointly organized by South Centre & partners

Title:                Regional training for patent office representatives

Date:                4 June, 2019

Venue:              Kyiv, Ukraine

Organizers:     The South Centre, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC Global), Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property (National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine) and All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV 


Statement, May 2019

South Centre Statement on Access to Biosimilars/Biogeneric Medicines at the WHA 72

The revision of the guidelines on similar therapeutic products mandated by Resolution WHA67.21 is crucial for promoting the availability of and access to biosimilars. The reduction in prices ensuing from the introduction of these products has become essential to address public health needs in developed and developing countries. The WHO Document A72/59 under consideration by the WHA 72 (agenda item 21.3) states in paragraph 80 that “WHO expert committees have approved guidance on (…) biotherapeutics, including an update of the 2009 similar biotherapeutic products guidelines”. This statement is not accurate, as the guidelines were not updated as mandated by Resolution WHA67.21. Below is the South Centre statement in relation to this issue.


Declaration of the XII NAM Health Ministers Meeting

Declaration of the XII Ministerial Meeting of the Ministers of Health of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), “Universal Health Coverage: Leave no one behind”

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Health Ministers noted that making progress on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is critical to address goal number 3 and other goals in the 2030 Agenda, and called for intensified cooperation and support to achieve such objectives. Below is the declaration adopted on occasion of the 72nd World Health Assembly on 21 May 2019.


Statement, May 2019

South Centre Statement at the Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Health Ministers

Dr. Carlos Correa, Executive Director of the South Centre, stressed the need to preserve the World Health Organization (WHO) as a public, independent agency that effectively addresses the health problems of developing countries, at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Health Ministers Meeting held on the occasion of the 72nd World Health Assembly. Below is the statement of the South Centre delivered at the Palais des Nations, Geneva on 21 May 2019.


SouthViews No. 180, 20 May 2019

Colombia’s Biogenerics Regulation A Preliminary Court Decision in favour of Public Health

By Carolina Gómez

The Council of State of Colombia’s recent ruling on the abbreviated pathway for marketing authorization of biogenerics is a valuable step towards acceptance and uptake of biogenerics, favoring public health, access and market competition.

In 2014, after several years of discussion and heated debate, Colombia issued a regulation for sanitary registration of biotechnological medicines, including biogenerics. The regulation explicitly included an abbreviated pathway for the registration of biogenerics, which allows for reduction or, in some cases, even waivers of comparative efficacy clinical trials. PK/PD and inumunogenicity studies are required. (more…)

Policy Brief 61, May 2019

The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Putting Profits Before Patients

By Maria Fabiana Jorge

In the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA, NAFTA 2.0), the U.S. Trade Representative negotiated intellectual property provisions related to pharmaceuticals that would enshrine long and broad monopolies. This policy brief focuses primarily on the negative effects of the USMCA intellectual property provisions on access to medicines in the U.S.  Such effects may be even worse for Canada and Mexico. The impact of this trade agreement goes well beyond the three countries involved as this is the first one negotiated by the Trump Administration and is likely to set a precedent for future trade agreements.  A careful review of the USMCA text raises very serious concerns about the impact that this agreement would have on the  generic/biosimilar industry and therefore on access to more affordable drugs throughout the world.


SouthViews No. 179, 3 May 2019

2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with Focus on Education Goal – SDG 4

By Kishore Singh

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must be considered bearing in mind the right to education as an internationally recognized right as well as the right to development. Below is the keynote presentation by Kishore Singh, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, at the Asian High-level Forum on Human Rights on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (more…)

Research Paper 85, April 2019

Access to Medicines: Experiences with Compulsory Licenses and Government Use – The case of Hepatitis C

By Dr. Carlos M. Correa and Dr. Germán Velásquez

This South Centre research paper discusses first, the limitations of the current research and development (R&D) model and its implications for access to medicines. Second, it considers the tension between intellectual property rights applied to medicines and States’ observance of the fundamental right to health. Third, it examines the case of access to medicines for the treatment of Hepatitis C, illustrating the barriers to access created by intellectual property and the high prices normally associated with its exercise. Fourth, it presents the background, main aspects and obstacles to the achievement of the objectives of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (2001). To conclude, this paper examines the experiences of compulsory licensing and government use of patents in Latin America (particularly in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia).


Policy Brief 59, April 2019

The ‘obvious to try’ method of addressing strategic patenting: How developing countries can utilise patent law to facilitate access to medicines

By Olga Gurgula

The current patentability standards for pharmaceutical inventions, as well as strategic patenting used by pharmaceutical companies, have substantially impacted access to affordable medicines. This has been especially detrimental for developing countries, which are under significant pressure to remain compliant with their international and bilateral obligations, while also providing their people with essential drugs. In order to improve access to medicines, developing countries may choose from a range of various mechanisms that may help to facilitate such access, while also allowing them to remain compliant with their international and bilateral obligations. This policy brief suggests that one of such mechanisms is to strengthen the obviousness requirement by applying the ‘obvious to try with a reasonable expectation of success’ test to pharmaceutical follow-on inventions. It is argued that the application of this test may be an effective tool in addressing the negative effect of strategic patenting. It may help to prevent the extension of patent protection and market exclusivity of existing drugs by pharmaceutical companies and, as a result, may open such medicines up to generic competition.


SouthViews No. 178, 19 March 2019

South-South cooperation for confronting the neglected problem of snakebite envenoming: the role of Costa Rica

By Dr. Jose María Gutiérrez and Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gómez

As of 2018, the international community has a global framework to address the problem of snakebite envenomings, an acute problem that affects rural populations in tropical areas of the world, which mainly affects people from the most vulnerable sectors of the population and leaves significant negative consequences in millions of people around the world. This global framework was adopted by a resolution of the World Health Organization (WHO) at its 71st World Assembly on May 24, 2018, thus providing for a strong mandate to develop a comprehensive plan to address this health problem, work with affected countries, partners, stakeholders and industry, and develop a comprehensive approach that will allow countries to implement an effective response to this health issue.


SouthViews No. 174, 5 February 2019

Scientific and Efficient Establishment of Urban Environmental and Resource Management System

By Youba Sokona

Transformation in urban areas needs to happen now to achieve sustainable development and fight against climate change. This transformation needs to be inclusive by focusing on social justice, power asymmetries and vulnerable populations; and requires all actors at the national and international level to collaborate in order to exchange information, generate and work with accurate data, develop technology and provide the financial resources for the implementation of the right programs and policies. These are messages of the keynote speech by Prof. Youba Sokona, South Centre Senior Adviser on Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Vice-Chair, at the “Forum on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. He also highlighted the main take-aways from the recently released IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. (more…)

Policy Brief 57, January 2019

Will the Amendment to the TRIPS Agreement Enhance Access to Medicines?

By Dr. Carlos M. Correa

An amendment to the TRIPS Agreement by incorporation of the text of the decision of the WTO General Council on 30 August 2003 (as article 31bis) has been made in response to the problem identified in paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health. This paragraph sought a solution to situations where patented pharmaceuticals which are not available in a country with no or insufficient manufacturing capacity can be supplied by a foreign provider. As originally adopted, the TRIPS Agreement did not allow the grant of compulsory licenses for exports only, thereby preventing generic manufacturers from exporting the required products to countries unable to produce them. While the new article 31bis is a step forward as it reflects public health concerns, it would be necessary to streamline the procedures to effectively ensure broader access to pharmaceutical products at low cost and in a timely manner.



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