Analytical Notes

Analytical Note, December 2008

Article XXIV and RTAs: How Much Wiggle Room for Developing Countries?.

The issue of ‘WTO Compatibility’ of regional trade agreements (RTAs) has been intensely debated ever since the days of the GATT. RTAs are governed by Article XXIV in the GATT. The Article however does not have a development dimension. (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2008

Controversial Points in the Discussion on Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) in the Doha Round.

The Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) is often quoted as one of the main controversial points that lead to the failure to the WTO mini-ministerial process in July 2008. Technical divergences relate to key aspects of the design and operation of the mechanism but also strong political divergences among exporters and importers. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2008

Developing country perspectives on the role of the Development Cooperation Forum: building strategic approaches to enhancing multilateral development cooperation.

This Analytical Note follows up the study on stakeholder perspectives on the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) prepared by the South Centre entitled “Reshaping the International Development Cooperation Architecture: Perspectives on a Strategic Development Role for the Development Cooperation Forum” (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2008

The WTO’s July 2008 Mini-Ministerial: Agriculture, NAMA, Process Issues and the Road Ahead.

This paper outlines the main events which took place during the WTO’s July mini-Ministerial. It goes on to provide a discussion of the key issues that were important in that meeting – agriculture, cotton, the non-agriculture market access negotiations, as well as systemic process concerns. (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Reshaping the international development cooperation architecture: perspectives on strategic development role for the Development Cooperation Forum.

This Analytical Note presents the findings of a research project undertaken by the South Centre designed to gather insights and perspectives from various stakeholders – including developing country governments and civil society. (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Sustainable development in the context of climate change: overriding priority of the South.

This Analytical Note stresses that both sustainable development and climate change are interlinked. Climate change will have impacts on the pace and progress of developing countries’ efforts to achieve sustainable development objectives, while achieving such objectives form the fundamental premise upon which developing countries are undertaking their actions to address climate change. (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Fact Sheet 12: EPAs and Development Assistance: Rebalancing Rights and Obligations.

The purpose of this analytical note is to highlight the inherent imbalances interim EPA texts contain with regard to development assistance. Its analysis, furthermore, can provide guidance to regions and countries that need to (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

Mercosur’s experience and progress towards true regional integration.

This South Centre Analytical Note provides a background and discussion on the history of the Mercado Común del Sur – Mercosur’s regional economic and political cooperation and the insights it can provide to developing countries seeking to build greater integration in their region. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

Comments on the 3rd high level forum on aid effectiveness. Final Draft of the Accra Agenda for Action.

This South Centre Analytical Note looks at the 25 July 2008 final draft text of the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) that is being proposed for adoption by participants at the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra, Ghana, in September 2008. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

The Role of Decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies in Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries.

This paper analyses the positive impact of Decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies on enhancing climate change adaptation capacity in developing countries facing climate change-related increasing hazards. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2008

Capital flows from South to North: a new dynamic in global economic relations.

This Analytical Note looks at the new dynamic of capital flows from the South to the North arising from unprecedented levels of capital reserve accumulation by the South. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2008

Financing for development from Monterrey to Doha.

This Analytical Note evaluates how far the commitments contained in the 2002 Monterrey Consensus were fulfilled. It also examines the adequacy of the Monterrey Consensus as a framework for guiding international policy decisions and actions in current circumstances, (more…)


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