Climate Policy Brief 17, May 2015

Policy Brief on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCS)

Part A: Introduction: The issue of ‘intended nationally determined contributions’ (INDCs) has come to be one of the important components of the process towards the UNFCCC’s 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to be held in Paris in December 2015. Countries have been in the process of preparing their INDCs. This Paper is intended to provide the background information on the INDCs, and a guide to developing countries on how to formulate their INDCs.

Part B of this Paper explains the COP21 decision which covers INDCs. It is important to understand the decision taken by the COP on the INDCs, as this provides the context for the preparation of the INDCs.

Part C is on Formulating the INDCs. The objective is to provide a guide for developing countries on formulating their INDCs.   It starts with a section on general points and a general framework on INDCs. This is followed by points on INDCs relating to mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. It also provides templates for preparing these INDCs.

Part D provides some Conclusions.


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