G77 Extraordinary Summit Declaration, Santa Cruz 15 June 2014

The G77 Extraordinary Summit of heads of states and governments of the G77 and China countries was held in Santa Cruz, Brazil, on 14-15  June 2014, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Group of 77 in 1964.  One of the main outcomes of the Summit was a Declaration which was adopted by the Summit at its plenary session on 14 June.   The Declaration has 5 parts:  an introductory general section, national level issues, South-South cooperation, global challenges and issues relating to specific categories of developing countries.  The full Declaration can be accessed here.

In Arabic

In English


SouthNews reported by the South Centre on this event:

16/06/2014 – SouthNews:G77 Summit celebrates 50th anniversary with speeches, Declaration

18/06/2014 – SouthNews:G77 Summit Declaration a worthy marking of 50th anniversary

19/06/2014 – SouthNews: G77: Summit Declaration on national development, S-S cooperation

20/06/2014 – SouthNews: G77 Summit Declaration addresses “global challenges”

23/06/2014 – SouthNews: G77 Summit on MDGs, SDGs, Development Agenda

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