Input to UNGA SG Report, June 2015

Input of the South Centre to the Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 69/5 dated 28 October 2014 on the Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba

On 28 October 2014, the United Nations General Assembly approved by an overwhelming vote of 188-2 a resolution (Resolution 69/5 ) reiterating its long-standing call upon all States to refrain from promulgating and applying unilateral economic and trade measures by one State against another that affect the free flow of international trade, referring in particular to the United States’ 1996 “Helms-Burton Act”, whose application has had extraterritorial effects that affect that sovereignty of other States, the legitimate interests of persons under their jurisdiction and the freedom of trade and navigation.

The resolution also requested the UN Secretary-General to prepare a “report on the implementation of the present resolution in the light of the purposes and principles of the Charter and international law and to submit it to the General Assembly at its seventieth session.”

This input by the South Centre is prepared in response to such request as a contribution to the report of the Secretary-General, in order to highlight the perspectives of developing countries, as expressed through their multilateral institutions, with respect to the imposition of unilateral economic and trade measures by one State against another, particularly by the United States of America against Cuba.


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