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Policy Brief 109, 31 March 2022

Draft Fisheries Subsidies Agreement: some key issues to address for a sustainable catch  By Peter Lunenborg This Policy Brief reviews the draft Chair’s text for a Fisheries Subsidies Agreement (WT/MIN(21)/W/5). Pursuant to Sustainable Development Goal 14.6, any (more...)

Policy Brief 108, 25 March 2022

Mainstreaming Equity in the International Health Regulations and Future WHO Legal Instruments on Pandemic Preparedness and Response By Nirmalya Syam The Member States of the WHO are about to commence the most significant negotiations that could set the paradigm for (more...)

Document de Recherche 147, 28 février 2022

Les négociations au sein de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé peuvent-elles aboutir à un cadre juste pour la prévention, la préparation et la riposte aux pandémies en tant que bien public mondial? Par Viviana Muñoz Tellez Ce document avance que les États (more...)

Research Paper 150, 21 March 2022

The Liability of Internet Service Providers for Copyright Infringement in Sri Lanka: A Comparative Analysis By Ruwan Fernando The exclusive rights enjoyed by a copyright owner to reproduce his protected work in any material form, including any permanent or temporary (more...)

SouthViews No. 236, 15 March 2022

Addressing Food Insecurity and Climate Change for Poverty Reduction in the Horn of Africa By Ali Issa Abdi This article provides an assessment of the impact of food insecurity and climate change on poverty reduction in the Horn of Africa (HoA), which (more...)

SouthViews No. 235, 10 March 2022

The WTO TRIPS Waiver and Essential Security Rights in 2022 By Dr. Alexander Beyleveld Almost two years have passed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are still far from bringing the pandemic to an end. One of the main reasons for this is the (more...)

Research Paper 149, 8 March 2022

The International Discourse on the Right to Development and the Need to Reinvigorate its Implementation By Yuefen Li, Daniel Uribe and Danish The world is currently at an ebb for realizing the Right to Development (RtD). Weakening of multilateralism, de-globalization, (more...)

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