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PIJIP Call for Research Proposals, April 2021

Right to Research in International Copyright CALL FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS  American University Washington College of Law Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property The American Network on the Right to Research in International (more...)

Research Paper 130, April 2021

Misappropriation of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge: Challenges Posed by Intellectual Property and Genetic Sequence Information

By Nirmalya Syam and Thamara Romero

Improper acquisition of genetic resources (GRs) and (more...)

Policy Brief 91, April 2021

Compulsory license in Germany: Analysis of a landmark judicial decision By Christoph Spennemann and Clara Warriner This policy brief analyzes how the German Federal Court of Justice addressed compulsory licensing under German patent law, where the (more...)

SouthViews No. 215, 6 April 2021

Technology and inequality: can we decolonise the digital world? By Padmashree Gehl Sampath In this article, the author argues that techno-centric explanations of progress and industrialisation are deeply entrenched in a wider social context that (more...)

Policy Brief 90, March 2021

Proposals to Advance the Negotiations of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework

By Dr. Viviana Muñoz Tellez

Informal consultations are ongoing in virtual format towards the adoption of a Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by (more...)

Statement, March 2021

South Centre Statement on World TB Day Countries need to step up the response to tuberculosis and take all possible measures to expand access to treatment. (more...)

Statements, March 2021

Statements made at the 21st Meeting of the Council of Representatives of the South Centre This document includes the statement made by H.E. Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Chairman of the South Centre Board under the agenda item 5 of the meeting “Statement by the Chairman of the Board of the (more...)

SC, WGBizHRs, HRW Session, 17 March 2021

Not Charity, But Rights: Universal and Equitable Access to Covid-19 Vaccines Session at the Second United Nations South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights organized by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, South Centre, and Human Rights Watch (more...)

Policy Brief 89, March 2021

Competition Regulation in Healthcare in South Africa

By Hardin Ratshisusu

South Africa’s nascent competition regulatory regime is coming of age and has potential to address historical market concentration challenges (more...)


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