Research Paper 54, September 2014

Innovative Financing Mechanisms: Potential Sources of Financing the WHO Tobacco Convention

  1. Introduction and Objectives

This research paper is produced as part of a research being conducted by the South Centre on expanding fiscal policies for global and national tobacco control. The objective of this research is to identify innovative solutions to fill the funding gaps in the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). In this context, the analysis in this paper could be useful for the Working Group on Sustainable Measures to Strengthen the Implementation of the WHO FCTC, in its deliberations around resource mobilization and developmental cooperation. Ideas and mechanisms for generating additional funding may be spawned from a review of the popular forms of non-traditional financing mechanisms that have been aimed at mobilizing resources for developmental programmes. Innovative financing mechanisms have generated considerable interest for financing health systems, and in that context there may be scope for exploring the potential for innovative financing mechanisms for tobacco control.


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