SC Contribution – Comments on the Model Rules for the GloBE, 9 February 2022
Comments on the Model Rules for the GloBE
The BEPS Monitoring Group, 9 February 2022
The global minimum tax should provide an incentive for developing countries to raise their effective tax rate as close as possible to their statutory tax rates, which are often higher than the 15% rate. The average rate for South Centre and G-77+China Member States is around 25%. In any case it should be at least 15%, since any undertaxed profits would in any case be taxed at that rate by developed countries. Leading OECD countries have already adopted measures to protect their source tax base, which they intend to retain, such as the UK’s diverted profits tax and the US’s base erosion anti-abuse tax. Poorer countries have even more reason to do likewise. They should consider introducing or strengthening measures such as an alternative minimum tax on deemed or book profits, versions of which already exist in many countries. These are compatible with the GloBE rules, and should be regarded as an essential complement, to ensure that it contributes to both fair and effective taxation of MNE profits.
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This article was tagged: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project (BEPS), Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules, Global Minimum Tax Rate, Global Taxation, Inclusive Framework, International Tax Cooperation, International Taxation, Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), Tax, Tax Cooperation, Tax Law, Tax Policy, Tax Reform, Taxation