SC Webinar – AMR NAPs, 20 March 2025
Webinar: Advancing National Action Plans on AMR amidst Health Financing Challenges
20 March 2025; 12pm Geneva time/7am ET/ 11am GMT/ 8am Brazil time/1pm South Africa time/11am Ghana time
National Action Plans (NAPS) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) are developed by countries based on their own strategic priorities. Countries are at various stages of implementation of plans. However, advancing NAPs on AMR faces many challenges, particularly due to the challenges of global health funding and domestic health financing. This webinar will feature experts that will discuss selected country experiences on NAP AMR implementation and reflect on how to address the health financing challenges that hinder NAP implementation and AMR mitigation efforts. What are the financing and resource allocation approaches that can support NAP implementation in the current context?
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This article was tagged: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Health, Health Financing, National Action Plans (NAPs)