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SouthViews No. 223, 14 July 2021

Financial integrity for sustainable development: Importance of developing country joint action on tax, corruption and money-laundering  By Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki Countries are beginning to realize that the landmark agreement on the (more...)

SouthViews No. 222, 12 July 2021

Development Priorities for Africa in 2021 and Beyond By Judith Amelia Louis The author posits that Covid-19 is not the only major problem facing the global South and Africa in particular, although it is the most pressing for the times 2020-2021. The writer attempts to (more...)

SouthViews No. 221, 6 July 2021

South-South and Triangular Cooperation: lessons from partnership between Argentina and Mozambique By Federico Villegas This article reviews some fruitful South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTrC) initiatives between Argentina and Mozambique. The (more...)

Investment Policy Brief 23, July 2021

UNCITRAL Working Group III: Moving forward towards consensus or loosing balance? By Daniel Uribe and Danish This policy brief considers some concerns arising from the ongoing discussions on procedural reform of investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in the United (more...)

Statement, July 2021

Statement by the South Centre on the Two Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising From the Digitalisation of the Economy The South Centre takes note of the statement by 130 members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework (IF) on a two-pillar solution to address the tax (more...)

Rapport sur les politiques 93, Juillet 2021

Un nouveau traité international de l'OMS sur la préparation et la riposte aux pandémies : pourra-t-il répondre aux besoins des pays du Sud ?

Par Dr. Germán Velásquez et Nirmalya Syam

Dans un récent communiqué signé par 25 chefs (more...)

Informe Sobre Políticas 93, Julio 2021

Un nuevo tratado internacional de preparación y respuesta ante pandemias: ¿Podrá atender a las necesidades del Sur Global?

Por Germán Velásquez y Nirmalya Syam Un reciente comunicado conjunto de 25 Jefes de Gobierno y el Director General de la OMS (more...)

UN HLPF Side Event, 6 July 2021

Ensuring a Sustainable and Resilient Response to COVID-19 and Emerging Infectious Diseases through Local Production  United Nations High-Level Political Forum 2021 Side Event Organized by South Centre, ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance and (more...)

Statement, June 2021

Statement by the South Centre on the extension of the transition period for LDCs under the TRIPS Agreement The TRIPS Council decision to extend the TRIPS transition period for LDCs until 1 June 2034 confirms their right to an extension but it (more...)

Research Paper 132, June 2021

Interpreting the Flexibilities Under the TRIPS Agreement By Carlos M. Correa While the TRIPS Agreement provides for minimum standards of protection of intellectual property, it leaves a certain degree of policy space for WTO members, whether developed or developing (more...)

SouthViews No. 220, 28 June 2021

Improve nexus rule for fair distribution of taxing rights to developing countries By Radhakishan Rawal One of the open issues for Pillar One in the discussion on the taxation of the digital economy is the nexus threshold, which would determine which Multinational (more...)

Investment Policy Brief 22, June 2021

Investment Policy Options for Facing COVID-19 Related ISDS Claims By Daniel Uribe and Danish Developing and least developed countries have undertaken a number of measures to fight against the multidimensional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such measures and those (more...)

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