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Research Paper 185, 13 October 2023

Foreign Investment Flows in a Shifting Geoeconomic Landscape By Danish The economic shocks from the pandemic and rising geoeconomic tensions have triggered an accelerated restructuring of foreign investment flows in global value chains. As the previous determinants of (more...)

SC Statement to G-24, 10 October 2023

STATEMENT BY DR. CARLOS CORREA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE SOUTH CENTRE, TO THE MINISTERS AND GOVERNORS MEETING OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR (G-24) 10 October 2023, Marrakesh, Morocco To address the global polycrisis, developing countries need to come (more...)

SC Statement to the HLM on PPR, 20 September 2023

South Centre Statement to the High Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response 20 September 2023 The UN HLMs on health have helped drive the highest level of political commitment to key global health issues. The HLD on PPR today underplays the (more...)

SouthViews No. 252, 21 September 2023

The Right to Development: Principles, Realization and Challenges  By H.E. Mr. Ali Bahreini The main theme of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council revolves around economic, social, and cultural rights, with a particular focus on the right to (more...)

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