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The South Centre Monthly, July 2019

Inequality is one of the greatest challenges that the world needs to face. Inequality is intimately linked with poverty. Although there has been progress in reducing poverty, a large part of the global population (overwhelmingly living in developing countries) is still denied access to a dignified (more...)

South Centre Quarterly Report, April-June 2019

South Centre Quarterly Report, 1 April to 30 June 2019 This report summarizes the programmatic activities of the South Centre during the period 1st April to 30th June 2019. It is intended to provide information, organized by themes, about recent developments in the (more...)

SouthViews No. 184, 19 July 2019

Understanding global inequality in the 21st century By Jayati Ghosh Inequality has increased since it caught the attention of the international community. The claims that global inequality has decreased because of the faster rise in per capita incomes in populous (more...)

Research Paper 95, July 2019

Mainstreaming or Dilution? Intellectual Property and Development in WIPO By Nirmalya Syam In 2007 Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) unanimously adopted a set of 45 recommendations which constitute the WIPO Development Agenda. (more...)

SouthViews No. 183, 12 July 2019

BAPA+40 is an Impetus to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development By Yuefen LI The United Nations Second High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40) not only gave an impetus to the further expansion of South-South and Triangular (more...)

SouthViews No. 182, 11 July 2019

The most expensive drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry By Germán Velásquez On May 27, 2019 the US FDA gave marketing authorization for Zolgensma gene therapy, from the Swiss firm Novartis. The price of the drug, administered in a single dose, is 2.125 (more...)

Policy Brief 65, July 2019

Time for a Collective Response to the United States Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property By Viviana Muñoz-Tellez, Nirmalya Syam and Thamara Romero This policy brief discusses the annual Special 301 report issued by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (more...)

Tax Cooperation Policy Brief 8, July 2019

Improving Transfer Pricing Audit Challenges in Africa through Modern Legislation and Regulations By Thulani Shongwe Auditing multinational enterprises often involves a broad range of complex technical issues, and transfer pricing (TP) is often the most important one. (more...)

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