South Conference, 12 March 2015

South Conference “2015 and the South: Preparing for a Year of Uncertainty and International Summits”

Venue: Room VIII, the Palais des Nations

Location: Geneva

The Conference reviewed the present problematic situation of the global economy and how it affected developing countries, as well as the state of multilateral negotiations in trade and other important areas. It was an opportunity for developing country policymakers and opinion shapers to reflect on the prospects for the South in the current global context and to identify possible ways forward.

Programme in PDF




South Conference “2015 and the South: Preparing for a Year of Uncertainty and International Summits”

Room VIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva

12 March 2015, 9:30-18:00h




9:30-10:00 Opening of the ConferenceChair: Mr. Martin KHOR, Executive Director, South CentreOpening Speech: H.E. former President Benjamin William MKAPA, Chairman of the Board, South Centre
10:00-12:30 Session I: Global Economic Crisis, Increasing Impact on Developing Countries and South-South Cooperation ProspectsChair: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William MKAPAPresentation: Dr. Yilmaz AKYUZ, Chief Economist, South Centre – The State of the World Economy: Increasing Vulnerabilities of Developing Countries


  • Dr. Isabel ORTIZ, Director for Social Protection, ILO – Presentation: Economic Crisis and Social Impact: Are We Prepared? What Can We Do?
  • H.E. Mr. Jorge VALERO, Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Coordinator of GRULAC, G77 and China Geneva – Statement
  • Dr. Richard KOZUL-WRIGHT, Director, Division for Globalization and Development Studies, UNCTAD – Rebuilding North-South Cooperation in an Unequal World
  • Dr. Humberto CAMPODONICO, Professor at the National University of San Marcos, Peru – Presentation
12:30-13:15 Special Joint Memorial Ceremony by the Permanent Mission of Jamaica and the South Centre in Remembrance of Dr. Norman Girvan, former Vice-Chair of the Board of the South Centre, former Secretary-General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)Chair: H.E. Mr. Benjamin William MKAPAWith tributes from the Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Ransford Smith (member of the Board of the South Centre), Dr. Mariama Williams (South Centre)- Compilation for appreciation

Autobiographical Note: One Thing Led to Another: Influences on my choice of subjects and approach

Quotes and Reflection on the Man

13:15-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:30 Session II: Global Trends and Negotiations: Post-2015 Development Agenda, Financing for Development, External Debt Restructuring, and Climate ChangeSpeakers:

  • Dr. Manuel MONTES, Special Adviser on Finance and Development, South Centre – Financing for Development and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
  • Dr. LI Yuefen, Special Adviser on Debt and Development, South Centre – Presentation: New and Emerging Debt Crisis in Developing Countries and the Need for a Debt Restructuring Mechanism
  • H.E. Mr. Alberto Pedro D’ALOTTO, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Argentina, Vice-Chair of the Group of 77 and China Geneva – Presentation: Addressing Debt Crisis and Vulture Funds
  • H.E. Mr. Modesto MERO, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania, Coordinator of the African Group, G77 and China Geneva
  • Mr. Vicente Paolo YU III, Programme Coordinator for Global Governance, South Centre – Presentation: Climate Change Negotiations and the Paris 2015 Agreement
16:30-18:00 Session III: Updates on Trade, Investment and Intellectual Property Rights NegotiationsSpeakers:

  • H.E. Mr. Xavier CARIM, Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the WTO – Recent Developments in the Bilateral Investment Agreements
  • Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh, Research Fellow, South Centre – Presentation: The Rapidly Changing Situation in Investment Agreements
  • Ms. Aileen KWA, Programme Coordinator for Trade and Development, South Centre – Presentation: International Trade Negotiations State of Play
  • Dr. Carlos CORREA, Special Adviser on Intellectual Property and Development, South Centre – Presentation: Intellectual Property and Development: 20 Years after TRIPS