¨Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable¨: Using the UNFCCC’s Existing MRV Mechanisms in the Context of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action Under the Convention.
This South Centre Analytical Note suggests that the modalities for the “measurable, reportable, and verifiable” (MRV) conditions under operative paragraph 1(b)(i) and (ii) of the Bali Action Plan should be the existing MRV modalities with respect to mitigation commitments, financing, technology transfer, and capacity-building under the Convention. (more…)
Comments to the Draft Modalities for WTO NAMA Negotiations dated 8 Feb. 2008.
This note reviews the revised Draft modalities for WTO NAMA negotiations prepared by the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (TN/MA/W/103). After undertaking an overall assessment of the revised NAMA draft modalities text, this note comments on various specific sections thereof, (more…)
Human-induced climate change is now well recognized as a physical and global reality. Global warming associated with climate change has begun to affect global weather patterns, sea levels, snow cover, ice sheets and rainfall. Regional climate patterns shifts are already affecting watersheds and ecosystems all over the world. (more…)
Fact Sheet 5 – Demystifying Trade in Services: A Strategic Guide for ACP EPA Negotiators
This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview and assess the development implications of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 76 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). This Fact Sheet seeks to increase the understanding of the substantive issues at stake in the negotiations, (more…)
Comments to the Draft Modalities for WTO NAMA Negotiations dated 17 July 2007.
This note contains preliminary comments on the Draft NAMA Modalities submitted by the Chairman of the WTO Negotiating Group on Market Access (Job (07)/126). While the text will need to be discussed, amended and, if agreed, adopted at a later stage, (more…)
This South Centre Analytical Note provides a brief discussion of the linkage between Internet Governance and development. It suggests that agenda topics of the 2006 Internet Governance Forum should focus on development, capacity building, and increasing the level of democracy and transparency of Internet Governance. (more…)
A Compilation of Negotiating Proposals on Trade Facilitation
Paragraph 27 of the 2001 Doha Ministerial Declaration states that: 27. Recognizing the case for further expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, including goods in transit, and the need for enhanced technical assistance and capacity building in this area, we agree that negotiations will take place after the (more…)
Strengthening Developing Countries’ Capacity for Trade Negotiations: Matching Technical Assistance to Negotiating Capacity Constraints.
This paper looks at the negotiating needs and constraints of developing countries vis-à-vis international trade negotiations, and at the deficiencies of existing trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building initiatives in addressing such capacity needs and constraints. (more…)