Copenhagen Accord

Statement, 16 May 2012

Statement at the UN Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) Ad-hoc working group on long-term cooperation (AWG-LCA), Workshop on Equity, Bonn

In the quest for an international climate agreement on actions to address the climate change crisis, three aspects have to be the basis simultaneously: the environmental imperative, the developmental imperative, and the equity imperative. This EDE formula requires that the different pieces of the climate negotiations be seen and addressed as a whole, in a holistic way. (more…)

Press Release, 17 June 2011

Climate Regime On The Brink: South Centre press briefing at UNFCCC session.

We agreed in Bali in Dec 2007 to build a much stronger international climate regime to better cope with recent alarming analysis of the disastrous effects of climate change. (more…)

Research Paper 29, May 2010

The Climate and Trade Relation: Some Issues.

The new released South Centre Research Paper is to examine some important aspects of the linkage between climate change and trade-related issues. In particular, the paper looks at developments in policies taken by governments and the inter-governmental processes to deal with the crisis in climate change, including within the international climate change regime, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and their inter-linkages with the multilateral trade regime, in particular the World Trade Organization (WTO). (more…)

Informal Note on the Copenhagen Accord, January 2010

Comments on the Copenhagen Accord

This Informal Note analyzes the Copenhagen Accord in terms of its legal nature and its substantive content, outlines important issues and concerns for the consideration of developing countries in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations and their development implications, and identifies some options that developing countries may consider in the context of their future action in relation to the Copenhagen Accord. (more…)

Climate Policy Brief 2, December 2009

Copenhagen and After.

This Policy Brief looks at the process leading up to and the substantive provisions of the Copenhagen Accord. It identifies key issues in the Accord that would be important to consider for developing countries in light of their potential implications for the UNFCCC negotiations. (more…)

Research Paper 25, October 2009

The Gap between Commitments and Implementation: Assessing the Compliance by Annex I Parties with their Commitments under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol.

This research paper looks at the extent of compliance by developed countries listed in Annex I of the UNFCCC of their obligations under the UNFCCC to undertake mitigation and to provide financing, technology, and capacity building to developing countries. (more…)