Data Protection

SC and Idec Panel During the UNCTAD e-Week, 6 December 2023

Panel During the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) e-Week

“Digital health at the crossroads of human rights, AI governance and digital trade”

Co-organized by the South Centre (SC) and the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (Idec)

6 December 2023

Geneva, Switzerland


Research Paper 187, 4 December 2023

The Global Digital Compact: opportunities and challenges for developing countries in a fragmented digital space

By Carlos Correa, Danish, Vitor Ido, Jacquelene Mwangi and Daniel Uribe

The adoption of a Global Digital Compact (GDC) as one of the outcomes of the Summit of the Future opens up the opportunity to address in a systematic manner issues that are of critical importance for the digital global governance. It also poses a challenge to developing countries, as most of them lack the infrastructure and capabilities to fully participate in the digital transformation. Many inequalities, including a deep digital divide, do exist and would need to be addressed by the GDC for it to become a real instrument of change and improvement in the living conditions and the prospects of a better future for most of the world population. This paper examines the current fragmentation in the digital governance and some of the issues raised by the proposals made by the UN Secretary-General for adoption of the GDC.
