Domestic Regulation

Statement, 25 March 2009

Statement at the UN General Assembly Extraordinary Thematic Dialogue on The World Financial And Economic Crisis And Its Impact On Development, New York

1. The extraordinarily serious global economic crisis has its origins in the developed countries. Developing countries are not responsible, but they are severely affected, and in ways that are worse than the developed countries, as they also lack the means to counter the effects. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2008

The EU- CARIFORUM EPA on Services Investments and E Commerce-Implications for other ACP Countries.

At the close of 2007, the EU completed a comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the Cariforum countries.  The EPA with the Cariforum is comprehensive in the sense that it extends to trade in goods, services and all the new generation issues including government procurement, competition law, and others. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2007

GATS Dispute Settlement Cases: Practical Implications for Developing Countries.

Developing countries should be aware of the implications of the WTO dispute settlement reports on US – Gambling1 and Mexico – Telecommunications as they continue participating in the WTO negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2006

The Development Dimension of the GATS Domestic Regulation Negotiations.

This Analytical Note discusses the implications GATS Article VI: 4 disciplines can have on developing countries and least developed countries and their pursuit for development through domestic regulations. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Bottom Lines for LDCs in the GATS Negotiations.

This analytical note aims to assist least developed countries (LDCs) participate more actively in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiations leading up to the Sixth Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation in December 2005 by (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Bottom Lines for Developing Countries in the GATS Negotiations.

In the lead up to the Sixth Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation in December 2005, developing countries have an interest to define their outcomes for the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2003

Background Note: Article VI (Domestic Regulations) with Emphasis on Paragraph 4 and the EU and Japanese Proposals.

Many subsectors within the service sector, such as infrastructure services, are regulated with the aim to ensure a certain level of quality, to protect consumers, or the environment. (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2003

Linking Mode 4 and Domestic Regulation.

This note discusses some possible ways in which Mode 4 could be addressed within Article VI:4 on domestic regulation. More specifically it tries to show how qualification requirements and procedures, technical standards and licensing requirements may impact the movement of natural persons under Mode 4. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2003

Checklist of Questions for the Analysis of Initial Offers.

This note focuses on the analysis of initial offers for specific commitments that Members have started submitting since March 2003 in the context of the current services negotiations. Indeed, in order to facilitate and streamline the analysis of the initial offers it may be useful to identify several key questions that can be used as a guide in the analysis of offers. (more…)


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