Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Research Paper 20, May 2009

Industrialisation and Industrial Policy in Africa: Is It a Policy Priority?.

The importance of industrialisation as an engine of economic growth and development cannot be overstated. Industrial production creates job opportunities at higher skill levels, facilitates denser links across the services and agricultural sectors, between rural and urban economies and between consumer, intermediate and capital goods industries. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2008

Capital flows from South to North: a new dynamic in global economic relations.

This Analytical Note looks at the new dynamic of capital flows from the South to the North arising from unprecedented levels of capital reserve accumulation by the South. (more…)

Research Paper 12, June 2007

Changes in the Governance of Global Value Chains of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Opportunities and Challenges for Producers in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Horticultural trade, especially fresh fruits and vegetables from Sub-Saharan African to European market, has received a great deal of attention over the past decade due to the rapid and sustained growth of its exports to Europe. This impressive growth has undoubtedly contributed to increased national incomes and has reduced rural poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Enhancig positive corporate contributions to development: making corporate responsability for development operational in the UNCTAD XI MTR context.

This South Centre Analysis provides a discussion of the concept of corporate responsibility for development, existing initial initiatives in this area, and the need for UNCTAD to ensure that its mandate coming from UNCTAD XI to undertake work in this area results in substantive outcomes. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Enhancing positive corporate contributions to development: making corporate responsibility for development operational in the UNCTAD XI MTR context.

This paper is intended to provide readers with a brief overview of the current state of play (as of late March 2004) of the pre-conference negotiations, and then goes on to describe, paragraph by paragraph, the differences in negotiating positions among various countries. (more…)

Special Commissioned Paper for the 19th G-24 Technical Group Meeting, August 2004

The World Development Report 2005: An Unbalanced Message on Investment Liberalization.

The principal message of the World Development Report 2005 of the World Bank to  the developing countries is that they should adopt liberal policies related to foreign  investment to spur economic growth and development, and that the development of  binding multilateral rules relating to foreign investment would create a favorable  climate for foreign investment in developing countries. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2003

Technical Assistance in the Area of Trade and Investment.

The Doha Ministerial Declaration (DMD) confirms the understanding among members that adequate, demand driven and recipient-controlled technical cooperation and capacity building constitute a core element of the development dimension of the multilateral trading system. (more…)