International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD)

Geneva Graduate Institute and South Centre Report, September 2024

Analysis of Imbalanced Tax Treaties of Developing Countries

Insights From the Tax Treaties Explorer Database

By Aiwei Feng, Shristi Joshi and Quinn McGannon

This report will start from exploring the historical background, theoretical frameworks, and practical implications of tax treaties, with a specific focus on their impact on developing countries. Utilizing diverse literature and datasets, including the Tax Treaties Explorer (TTE) from the International Centre for Tax and Development, it aims to identify restrictive tax treaties and provisions disadvantageous to developing nations. The methodology involves desk reviews, data analysis, and case studies to offer insights into challenges faced by developing countries in international taxation. By scrutinizing key provisions like those concerning permanent establishment and withholding taxes, it aims to highlight how treaties affect revenue generation, economic sovereignty, and development outcomes of South Centre Member States. South Centre Member States have been chosen for the purpose of this study due to their status as developing countries with much to gain from renegotiating their existing tax treaties.

Ultimately, this study intends to fill the gap in terms of treaty research and development of tax treaties of South Centre Member States by identifying their restrictive tax treaties and provisions therein with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The choice of OECD countries reflects their status as mostly developed countries. At the same time, the study also intends to supplement tax treaties literature so far dominated by legal and economic analyses by focusing specifically on identifying specific restrictive provisions.
