Social Justice

Book by the South Centre, 2020

WTO reform and the crisis of multilateralism – A Developing Country Perspective

About the Book:

The WTO has not been able to recover since the collapse of the Doha Round in July 2008. Several ministerial conferences including the Buenos Aires meeting in December 2017 failed to reach agreement. The US Trump Administration launched a campaign to reform the WTO in 2018 and 2019. This book argues that the Trump Administration reform proposals have been much more aggressive and far-reaching than the Obama Administration before it, threatening to erode hard-won special and differential treatment rights of developing countries. By blocking the appointment of new Appellate Body members, the US has effectively paralysed the Appellate Body and deepened the crisis of the multilateral trading system. Developing countries have responded to the proposals and called for the WTO to be development-oriented and inclusive. This book provides a critical analysis of the US-led reform proposals and seeks to build a discourse around an alternative set of concepts or principles to guide the multilateral trading system based on fairness, solidarity, social justice, inclusiveness and sustainability.

Author: Faizel Ismail served as the Ambassador Permanent Representative of South Africa to the WTO (2010-2014).


SouthViews No. 174, 5 February 2019

Scientific and Efficient Establishment of Urban Environmental and Resource Management System

By Youba Sokona

Transformation in urban areas needs to happen now to achieve sustainable development and fight against climate change. This transformation needs to be inclusive by focusing on social justice, power asymmetries and vulnerable populations; and requires all actors at the national and international level to collaborate in order to exchange information, generate and work with accurate data, develop technology and provide the financial resources for the implementation of the right programs and policies. These are messages of the keynote speech by Prof. Youba Sokona, South Centre Senior Adviser on Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Vice-Chair, at the “Forum on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. He also highlighted the main take-aways from the recently released IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. (more…)