South-South Cooperation

Delhi Conference on South-South and Triangular Cooperation, 24-25 August 2017

Title:                Parallel Session on Sectoral Connect in South-South Cooperation Banking, Finance, Investment and the Legal Regimes

Date:                24-25 August 2017

Venue:             India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India

Organizers:    Network of Southern Think-Tanks (NeST), Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Ministry of External Affairs, India, United Nations, Forum for Indian Development Cooperation (FIDC) 


Policy Brief 41, July 2017

Quantification of South-South cooperation and its implications to the foreign policy of developing countries

As South-South cooperation widens its scope, there is an increasing debate on how to measure its flows and results. When the SDG 17 is considered in particular, there is a perception that South-South cooperation ought to assume the role of an additional source of development finance, even though several of its modalities are not financial in nature. In this sense, current initiatives aimed at establishing the monetization of all development cooperation modalities pose a challenge to South-South cooperation practitioners, as such a hypothetical global standard would not give full account of the innovative processes taking place through South-South cooperation.


Policy Brief 40, June 2017

Outcomes of the Nineteenth Session of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property: A Critical Reflection

Despite the high relevance of the issues discussed in the agenda of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), the effectiveness of the CDIP in leading the development orientation of the work of WIPO has diminished remarkably. Under the banner of the implementation of the Development Agenda recommendations agreed in 2007, significant reform was expected, but today much continues as business as usual.


Research Paper 76, May 2017

The Financial Crisis and the Global South: Impact and Prospects

The world economy has not still recovered from the effects of the financial crisis that began almost a decade ago first in the US and then in Europe.  Policy response to the crisis, the combination of fiscal restraint and ultra-easy monetary policy, has not only failed to bring about a robust recovery but has also aggravated systemic problems in the global economy, notably inequality and chronic demand gap, on the one hand, and financial fragility, on the other. (more…)

Statement, April 2017

South Centre Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24

Below is the Statement by the South Centre’s Executive Director Mr. Martin Khor which was distributed during the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Twenty-four held in Washington DC on 20 April 2017.


Statement, April 2017

South Centre Statement in the NAM Forum on the 62nd Anniversary of the Principles of Bandung

In a world of so many crises affecting the developing countries, the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Bandung Principles that led to the NAM’s formation are as relevant as ever. This was stated by the South Centre at a forum held by the NAM  to commemorate the adoption of the Bandung Principles in Bandung by leaders of the newly independent countries 62 years ago.


South Centre Conference, 13 February 2017

Title:              Briefing for Developing Countries on Global Trends and Linkages to Geneva Multilateral    


Date:              Monday, 13 February 2017, 9:30-13:00

Venue:           Room XXIV, Palais des Nations

Organizer:   The South Centre


South Centre Chairman’s Letter of Tribute on Fidel Castro

The Chairman of the South Centre, H.E. Benjamin Mkapa, former President of Tanzania, has sent a letter to the President of Cuba H.E. Raul Castro to extend the Centre’s condolences on the passing away of President Fidel Castro, who was a friend and supporter of the Centre and the South Commission.  Below is the letter.


SC-FAO MoU Signing, 11 November 2016

Title:              The South Centre-FAO Memorandum of Understanding Signing

Date:              11 November 2016

Venue:           Marrakech

Organizer:   The South Centre, FAO


Statement, October 2016

South Centre Statement to the WIPO Assemblies 2016

The statement highlights that the greatest challenge for developing countries and LDCs in the area of intellectual property (IP) is the proliferation of regional and bilateral trade and investment agreements that impose IP obligations, together with the coercive external political and economic pressure to restrain from making use of the flexibilities in the IP system.


SC-Indonesia Investment Side Event to UNCTAD XIV, 20 July 2016

Title:              Approaches by Developing Countries to Reforming Investment Rules;

                      South-South Dialogue and Cooperation

Date:              20 July 2016, 13:00-14:30

Venue:           ‘Investment Village’, Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Organizer:   The South Centre and the Government of Indonesia


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