Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Policy Brief 39, May 2017

Highlights of the WHO Executive Board: 140th Session

The World Health Assembly (WHA), the highest body of the World Health Organization, will be meeting from 22-31 May 2017.

Earlier in January, the Executive Board of the WHO met and discussed on various strategic issues that will be carried forward to the WHA.

In this light, the South Centre has prepared a timely summary report in the form of a policy brief of the discussions that took place at the EB, to assist delegates and other stakeholders in their preparation for the discussions in the WHA.


Policy Brief 34, December 2016

Air pollution — the silent top global cause of death and of climate change

New research is showing that air pollution is a powerful if silent killer, causing 6.5 million worldwide deaths as well as being the major cause of climate change. (more…)

Statement, October 2016

South Centre Statement to the 18th session of WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property

The following is the statement delivered on 31 October 2016 by the South Centre to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) at its eighteenth session. The Centre highlights the importance of the WIPO Development Agenda.


Statement, October 2016

South Centre Statement to the WIPO Assemblies 2016

The statement highlights that the greatest challenge for developing countries and LDCs in the area of intellectual property (IP) is the proliferation of regional and bilateral trade and investment agreements that impose IP obligations, together with the coercive external political and economic pressure to restrain from making use of the flexibilities in the IP system.


Policy Brief 27, August 2016

The Right to Development: 30 Years On

The Declaration on the Right to Development, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1986 (as Document 41/128) is 30 years old.  It is appropriate to celebrate this anniversary.  For the right to development has had great resonance among people all over the world, including in developing and poor countries.  Even the term itself “the right to development” carries a great sense and weight of meaning and of hope. (more…)

Policy Brief 24, March 2016

Five Points on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda

The outcome of the Third International Financing for Development Conference held in Addis Ababa on 13-16 July 2015 exposes the waning state of multilateral development cooperation today.  In the outcome, which was nevertheless grandly called the “Addis Ababa Action Agenda” (AAAA), there were no new commitments and no proposed actions that can properly be deemed responsive either to (1) the flimsy state of international financing today or (2) the financing requirements of the UN’s new development agenda based on the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). (more…)

SouthViews No. 123, 7 December 2015

COP21: Great start but how will it end?

By Martin Khor

The climate change conference in Paris had a grand start last week, with high profile speeches from host French President Francois Hollande, American President Barack Obama, Britain’s Prince Charles and many other leaders. Immediately after the opening, the negotiators got down to work and they have not stopped. They realised that their task, to produce the Paris agreement on climate action after 2020, is all-important, whatever good rhetoric the political leaders may come up with. At the half-way mark of the two-week conference, there is no certainty that a final deal can be reached. The conference, known as COP21 (21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), is scheduled to end this Friday but could stretch till Saturday or even Sunday. (more…)

SC/ILO/IPD Paper on Austerity Trends 2010-2020, October 2015

The Decade of Adjustment: A Review of Austerity Trends 2010-2020 in 187 Countries

By Isabel Ortiz, Matthew Cummins, Jeronim Capaldo, Kalaivani Karunanethy. Geneva: ILO, IPD Columbia University and the South Centre.

This paper: (i) examines the latest IMF government spending projections for 187 countries between 2005 and 2020; (ii) reviews 616 IMF country reports in 183 countries to identify the main adjustment measures considered by governments in both high-income and developing countries; (iii) applies the United Nations Global Policy Model to simulate (more…)

SouthViews No. 120, 10 November 2015

China’s boost to South-South cooperation

By Martin Khor

Two new Chinese funds totalling US$ 5.1 billion to help developing countries tackle climate change and development problems could be a game changer in South-South cooperation and international relations. China gave a big boost to South-South cooperation when its President, Xi Jinping, made two unprecedented mega pledges totalling US$5.1 billion to assist other developing countries, during his visit to the United States in September. (more…)

Statement, 6 October 2015

South Centre at the WIPO 2015 Assemblies

The South Centre calls on WIPO Member States to guide the work of the organization towards shaping a more inclusive and balanced international intellectual property system.



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