Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SouthViews No. 68, 16 July 2013

SDGs: Poverty Eradication

This is a brief paper on conceptual aspects of poverty eradication as an issue for the SDGs.

In line with our overall approach to the SDGs, the issue of poverty eradication should have goals and targets for countries but also for the international dimension, which includes the Global Partnership for Development (that involves policies relating to global macro-economics, debt, trade, finance, and access to technology) and the means of implementation (i.e. finance and technology for developing countries).


SouthViews No. 67, 15 July 2013

SDGs: Overall Conceptual FrameworkDevelopment

This paper of the South Centre on the overall concept of the SDGs was presented by its Executive Director Martin Khor during the expert panel at the opening day of the first session of the UN’s open working group on SDGs held in the General Assembly hall on 14 March 2013. It had also been presented to a meeting of the G77 and China in New York as part of its preparation for the meetings of the UN working group on SDGs.



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