
Statement, 25 March 2009

Statement at the UN General Assembly Extraordinary Thematic Dialogue on The World Financial And Economic Crisis And Its Impact On Development, New York

1. The extraordinarily serious global economic crisis has its origins in the developed countries. Developing countries are not responsible, but they are severely affected, and in ways that are worse than the developed countries, as they also lack the means to counter the effects. (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2009

EPAs and Benchmarking Development.

The Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) being negotiated between the EU and Africa pose a major challenge for African countries since they are essentially free trade agreements. As such, the issue of development benchmarks has often been discussed. (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2008

Article XXIV and RTAs: How Much Wiggle Room for Developing Countries?.

The issue of ‘WTO Compatibility’ of regional trade agreements (RTAs) has been intensely debated ever since the days of the GATT. RTAs are governed by Article XXIV in the GATT. The Article however does not have a development dimension. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2008

The WTO’s July 2008 Mini-Ministerial: Agriculture, NAMA, Process Issues and the Road Ahead.

This paper outlines the main events which took place during the WTO’s July mini-Ministerial. It goes on to provide a discussion of the key issues that were important in that meeting – agriculture, cotton, the non-agriculture market access negotiations, as well as systemic process concerns. (more…)

Analytical Note, September 2008

Fact Sheet 12: EPAs and Development Assistance: Rebalancing Rights and Obligations.

The purpose of this analytical note is to highlight the inherent imbalances interim EPA texts contain with regard to development assistance. Its analysis, furthermore, can provide guidance to regions and countries that need to (more…)

Analytical Note, June 2008

South Centre Comments on Revised Draft Modalities for Agriculture.

This note comments on various specific sections of the Revised Draft Modalities for Agriculture (TN/AG/W/4/Rev.2) of 19 May 2008). It highlights elements that were revised and pending contentious issues. Two tables summarizing the treatment of WTO Members with respect to tariff reduction modalities and proposals regarding remedies for volume-based SSM are also included. (more…)

Analytical Note, June 2008

Comments to the Second Revision of the WTO NAMA Draft Modalities.

This note contains preliminary comments to the second revision of the Draft modalities for WTO NAMA negotiations, released on 20 May 2008 by the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (TN/MA/W/103/Rev.1). (more…)

Analytical Note, Febuary 2008

Comments on the Draft Modalities for WTO Agriculture Negotiations dated 8 Feb. 2008

This note comments on various specific sections of the Revised Draft Modalities for Agriculture (TN/AG/W/4 rev. 1 of 8th February 2008). It highlights elements that were revised and pending contentious issues. A useful table summarizing the treatment of WTO Members with respect to tariff reduction modalities is also included. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2008

EPA Negotiations: State of Play and Strategic Considerations for the Way Forward.

This Analytical Note describes the process that led to the conclusion, in the last hours of 2007, of interim EPAs between the EU and 20 ACP countries as well as of a comprehensive EPA with the 15 CARIFORUM states. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2008

Comments to the Draft Modalities for WTO NAMA Negotiations dated 8 Feb. 2008.

This note reviews the revised Draft modalities for WTO NAMA negotiations prepared by the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Market Access (TN/MA/W/103). After undertaking an overall assessment of the revised NAMA draft modalities text, this note comments on various specific sections thereof, (more…)

Analytical Note, January 2008

State of Play in WTO Agricultural Negotiations: Country Groupings’ Positions – January 2008 Update.

This note provides an overview of the position of various countries and group of countries active in the WTO agriculture negotiations with respect to critical issues discussed in the WTO agricultural negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, January 2008

EPA Negotiations in the Caribbean Region: Some Issues of Concern.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges related to the EPA negotiations in the CARIFORUM ACP region, particularly with respect to Market Access and regional integration, Agriculture, Manufacturing, and trade in Services. (more…)


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