
Analytical Note, November 2007

EPA Negotiations in the Pacific Region: Some Issues of Concern.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges related to the EPA negotiations in the Pacific ACP region, particularly with respect to Market Access and regional integration, Agriculture, and trade in Services. (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2007

The Reform of the EU Sugar Sector: Implications for ACP Countries and EPA Negotiations.

This note is to provide comprehensive account of the legal and political background of the current reform of the EU sugar sector and of the implications of the reform and related EU policies for ACP countries. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2007

Fact Sheet 5 – Demystifying Trade in Services: A Strategic Guide for ACP EPA Negotiators

This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview  and assess the development implications of the Economic Partnership  Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 76 countries  in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). This Fact Sheet seeks to increase  the understanding of the substantive issues at stake in the negotiations,  (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2007

EPA Negotiations in Southern Africa: Some Issues of Concern.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges related to the EPA negotiations in the SADC region, particularly with respect to Market Access and regional integration, Agriculture, and trade in Services. (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2007

South Centre Comments on Draft Modalities for Agriculture.

This note contains comments on the Draft Agriculture modalities submitted by the Chairman of the WTO Committee on Agriculture in Special Session. While the text will be discussed, amended and, if agreed, adopted at a later stage, it is a capital document as it will constitute a yardstick against which positions will be assessed. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2007

Comments to the Draft Modalities for WTO NAMA Negotiations dated 17 July 2007.

This note contains preliminary comments on the Draft NAMA Modalities submitted by the Chairman of the WTO Negotiating Group on Market Access (Job (07)/126). While the text will need to be discussed, amended and, if agreed, adopted at a later stage, (more…)

Analytical Note, June 2007

EPA Negotiations in the Central African Region: Some Issues for Consideration.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges that the countries of the EPA Central African region face in the EPA negotiating process, including with respect to its interfaces with WTO negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2007

Trade Negotiations in the West African Region: Issues for Consideration.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges that the countries of the EPA West African region face in the EPA negotiating process, particularly with respect to its interfaces with WTO negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2007

West Africa EPA Negotiations: Preliminary Comments on the EC “Draft EPA Text for West Africa”.

On 04 April 2007, the European Commission has proposed a draft text for the negotiation of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) between governments of the European Union and of West Africa. (more…)

Policy Brief 7, April 2007

The Development Dimension of the Agriculture Negotiations.

In view of the role of agriculture in the social and economic development of developing countries and their experience implementing rules and liberalization commitments related to agricultural trade, the need to redefine the boundaries of the development dimension in multilateral rules governing agricultural trade has emerged. (more…)

Research Paper 11, March 2007

Development at crossroads: The economic partnership agreement negotiations with Eastern and Southern African countries on trade in services.

In simple terms, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are intergovernmental Agreements that manage and promote trade activities in specific regions of the world, aimed at reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade between members. RTAs may solely address trade integration, or may be part of a wider Regional Integration Agreement (RIA), which encompasses governance and political issues. (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2007

Trade Negotiations in the Eastern and Southern African Region: Issues for Consideration.

This Analytical Note explores some of the main challenges that the countries of the EPA Eastern and Southern African region (ESA) face both in the WTO and in the EPA negotiating processes. (more…)


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