
Analytical Note, March 2007

Fact Sheet 4: Regional Integration and the EPAs.

This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview and assess the development implications of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 76 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2007

Fact Sheet 3: Trade liberalisation and the difficult shift towards reciprocity in the EPAs.

This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview and assess the development implications of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 76 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2007

Fact sheet 2: The Value of EU Preferences for the ACP and EPA contribution to Market Access.

This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview and assesses the development implications of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 76 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). (more…)

Analytical Note, March 2007

Fact Sheet 1: Understanding the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).

This Analytical Note is part of a series of Fact Sheets designed to overview and assess the development implications of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which the EU is currently negotiating with 75 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2006

State of Play in Agricultural Negotiations: Country Grouping’ Positions – November 2006 update.

This note provides an overview of the position of various countries and group of countries active in the WTO agriculture negotiations with respect to critical issues discussed in the WTO agricultural negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2006

The Suspension of the WTO DDA Negotiations: Scenarios and identification of pressure points for Developing Countries.

This note identifies some opportunities and challenges that the suspension of the WTO Doha negotiations has created for developing countries. In fact, an early identification of pressure points in the negotiations can contribute to the preparedness of developing country delegations for the time negotiations resume. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

Some reasons not to negotiate export taxes and restrictions in the WTO NAMA Negotiations.

This Analysis briefly examines some of the economic and policy reasons behind the application of export taxes and export restrictions in developing countries. The elements enumerated in this note provide arguments against negotiations aimed at further restricting the use of this type of policy tools, as currently being proposed by developed countries in the WTO NAMA negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, May 2006

NAMA State of Play: Countries Negotiating Positions.

This note presents, in a schematic form, the negotiating positions of selected WTO Members or Groups of Members in the WTO Negotiations on Non- Agricultural Market Access (NAMA). (more…)

Analytical Note, April 2006

Elements for the Architecture of Aid for Trade.

The underlying message of this paper is that aid for trade is important to mitigate trade-induced adjustment costs and to bolster supply-side capacity in developing countries. However, aid is only second-best to balanced, fair and equitable trading rules. (more…)

Analytical Note, January 2006

Project to support Developing Countries in WTO NAMA Negotiations.

This note presents a brief assessment of individual elements of the NAMA section of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration and highlights possible strategies available to developing country negotiators in the aftermath of Hong Kong. (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2005

State of Play in the WTO Agriculture Negotiations: Country Groupings’ Positions – December 2005 Update.

The present note provides an overview of the position of various countries and group of countries active in the WTO agriculture negotiations, with respect to the critical issues under discussion. (more…)

Research Paper 2, November 2005

Remunerating Commodity Producers in Developing Countries: Regulating Concentration in Commodity Markets.

The past few decades have seen a huge surge in international trade that has affected developing countries as well as the world’s largest economies. However, while some countries have seen an associated increase in wealth, others seem to have been left behind. (more…)


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