Technology Transfer

Policy Brief 9, November 2011

Proposals on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD).

Twenty years after the Rio Summit 1992, the global sustainable development situation has deteriorated. The environment crisis has worsened. After a period of good development performances in some developing countries, the prospects for the global economy have worsened, with the financial-economic crisis now affecting Europe and the US, which has implications for developing countries. (more…)

Policy Brief 7, November 2011

The Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health Ten Years Later: The State of Implementation.

The Declaration on the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Public Health was adopted on 14 November 2001 by the 4th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting at Doha, Qatar. (more…)

Research Paper 40, July 2011

Risks and Uses of the Green Economy Concept in the Context of Sustainable Development, Poverty and Equity.

There are many challenges and obstacles facing developing countries in moving their economies to more environmentally friendly paths. On one hand this should not prevent the attempt to urgently incorporate environmental elements into economic development. (more…)

South Centre Submissions on Green Climate Fund, June 2011

South Centre Submissions on Setting up the Green Climate Fund in UNFCCC.

A Transition Committee under the UNFCCC is discussing the design of a Green Climate Fund to operate under the Climate Convention. The South Centre is taking part in the Committee’s meetings as an Observer Organisation. In June 2011, the South Centre made four written submissions on the themes of the four Workstreams of the Committee. (more…)

Research Paper 36, March 2011

The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources: Analysis and Implementation Options for Developing Countries.

As is common knowledge, the Nagoya Protocol was rushed through in the final hours of COP10 in an attempt to secure a binding instrument on ABS. As a result the Protocol represents, at best, a partially negotiated instrument. In the process, transparency, legal certainty and balance seem to have been sacrificed. (more…)

Climate Policy Brief 4, December 2010

The Equitable Sharing of Atmospheric and Development Space.

In the quest for an international climate agreement on actions to address the climate change crisis, three aspects have to be the basis simultaneously: the environmental imperative, the developmental imperative, and the equity imperative. (more…)

Statement, 10 December 2010

Statement at the UNFCCC Climate Conference (COP16, CMP6), Cancun

As an inter-governmental organisation with 51 developing countries, the South Centre is very pleased to be participating in the COP16 and CMP6 in Cancun. Climate change is among the top priorities for the Centre as we believe that it poses a threat to the global environment as well as to development prospects in developing countries. (more…)

Research Paper 34, November 2010

Addressing Climate Change through Sustainable Development and the Promotion of Human Rights.

This Research Paper sets out the relevance of international human rights obligations in light of the multiple constraints climate change poses to the sustainable development of developing countries. (more…)

Research Paper 29, May 2010

The Climate and Trade Relation: Some Issues.

The new released South Centre Research Paper is to examine some important aspects of the linkage between climate change and trade-related issues. In particular, the paper looks at developments in policies taken by governments and the inter-governmental processes to deal with the crisis in climate change, including within the international climate change regime, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and their inter-linkages with the multilateral trade regime, in particular the World Trade Organization (WTO). (more…)

Analytical Note, November 2009

A development-oriented approach in making ¨Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable¨operational.

This Analytical Note looks at how MRV metrics and modalities in relation to paragraphs 1(b)(i) and (ii) of the UNFCCC Bali Action Plan (BAP) can be made operational in ways that reflect the primary sustainable development concerns and perspectives of developing country Parties to the UNFCCC. (more…)

Paper on Bali Action Plan Negotiations Under the UNFCCC, November 2009

Options on Possible Forms of the Agreed Outcome of the Bali Action Plan Negotiations Under the UNFCCC

This document seeks to outline the positive and constraining aspects of various options relating to the possible forms that the agreed outcome of the AWG-LCA process could result in, consistent with its mandate under the Bali Action Plan to enhance the full, sustained and effective implementation of the UNFCCC “now, up to and beyond 2012”. (more…)

Research Paper 25, October 2009

The Gap between Commitments and Implementation: Assessing the Compliance by Annex I Parties with their Commitments under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol.

This research paper looks at the extent of compliance by developed countries listed in Annex I of the UNFCCC of their obligations under the UNFCCC to undertake mitigation and to provide financing, technology, and capacity building to developing countries. (more…)


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