United Nations (UN)

Press Release, 12 April 2012

Press Release: Silencing the message or the messenger …. or both?.

On 11 April 2012, two former senior UNCTAD officers held a press conference at the Club Suisse de la Presse, Geneva, Switzerland. They presented a statement signed by almost 50 former senior UNCTAD officers and staff that expressed deep concern and alarm regarding the pressure placed on UNCTAD and the Group of 77 by major developed countries in the preparations for UNCTAD XIII. (more…)

Statement, 3 December 2009

Statement at UN High Level Conference on South-South Cooperation, Nairobi, Kenya

On behalf of the Chairman of the Board of the South Centre, H.E. former resident Benjamin W. Mkapa of the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Executive Director of the South Centre, the South Centre is pleased to articipate in this Conference, and congratulates you on the successful negotiation of the outcome document. (more…)

Paper on UN Global Economic Governance, August 2009

The Role of the United Nations in Global Economic Governance

Global economic policy issues are often addressed by specialized multilateral agencies in a fragmented, incoherent and inconsistent manner and often with failures in relation to certain areas of global policy – particularly in trade and finance – that have broader implications for the multilateral system as a whole. (more…)

Statement, 25 March 2009

Statement at the UN General Assembly Extraordinary Thematic Dialogue on The World Financial And Economic Crisis And Its Impact On Development, New York

1. The extraordinarily serious global economic crisis has its origins in the developed countries. Developing countries are not responsible, but they are severely affected, and in ways that are worse than the developed countries, as they also lack the means to counter the effects. (more…)

Analytical Note, October 2008

Developing country perspectives on the role of the Development Cooperation Forum: building strategic approaches to enhancing multilateral development cooperation.

This Analytical Note follows up the study on stakeholder perspectives on the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) prepared by the South Centre entitled “Reshaping the International Development Cooperation Architecture: Perspectives on a Strategic Development Role for the Development Cooperation Forum” (more…)

Analytical Note, August 2008

Comments on the 3rd high level forum on aid effectiveness. Final Draft of the Accra Agenda for Action.

This South Centre Analytical Note looks at the 25 July 2008 final draft text of the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) that is being proposed for adoption by participants at the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra, Ghana, in September 2008. (more…)

Analytical Note, July 2008

Financing for development from Monterrey to Doha.

This Analytical Note evaluates how far the commitments contained in the 2002 Monterrey Consensus were fulfilled. It also examines the adequacy of the Monterrey Consensus as a framework for guiding international policy decisions and actions in current circumstances, (more…)

Analytical Note, April 2007

One United Nations: placing development front and centre.

This South Centre Analytical Note discusses the key recommendations of the Report on the UN Panel on System-Wide Coherence (UN Doc. No. A/61/583, 20 November 2006). It points out some key issues that will need to be considered by the UN management and UN Member States in their discussions and deliberations on the way forward for the implementation of the report’s recommendations. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2007

GATS Dispute Settlement Cases: Practical Implications for Developing Countries.

Developing countries should be aware of the implications of the WTO dispute settlement reports on US – Gambling1 and Mexico – Telecommunications as they continue participating in the WTO negotiations. (more…)

Analytical Note, February 2007

Getting UNCTAD XII right: recommendations on theme and sub-themes.

This South Centre Analytical Note makes some recommendations on the possible theme and sub-themes for UNCTAD XII. It seeks to provide a conceptual overview of what UNCTAD XII should focus on so that the results of the ministerial conference will be an UNCTAD that is stronger, better able to play a significant role in global economic governance, and more capable of (more…)

Analytical Note, December 2006

Reinvigorating UNCTAD? Comments on the eminent persons’ panel report on enhancing the development role and impact of UNCTAD.

This South Centre Analytical Note responds to the Eminent Persons’ Panel Report on “Enhancing the Development Role and Impact of UNCTAD” by highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of the Report that developing countries might wish to consider. (more…)


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