World Health Assembly (WHA)

SC Side Event to the WHA71, 25 May 2018

Title:                 Side Event to the 71st World Health Assembly, on Access to Medicines: Overcoming Obstacles created by monopolies – Essential to UHC and the 2030 Agenda

Date:                 25 May 2018

Venue:              Room VIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva

Organizers:     Missions of Brazil, India, Morocco, Senegal, and Thailand, with the support of the South Centre


Policy Brief 49, July 2018

Major Outcomes of the 71st Session of the World Health Assembly of WHO

By Nirmalya Syam and Mirza Alas

The 71st session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO) took place from 21 to 26 May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Assembly adopted several decisions and resolutions including the adoption of the General Programme of Work (GPW) of WHO for the period 2019-2023, as well as decisions on addressing access to medicines and vaccines and their global shortage, and the recommendations of an overall programme review of the WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (GSPA-PHI).   (more…)

Statement, May 2018

South Centre Statement at the Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement

The South Centre reiterates its commitment to support the Non-Aligned countries so that there is close and effective cooperation among developing countries to strengthen a global health agenda. WHO was created as an international public agency in the service of global health. Recovering and reinforcing this role should be the work of all.


Policy Brief 46, March 2018

Outcomes of the 142nd session of the WHO Executive Board

The 142nd session of the WHO Executive Board discussed several critical public health issues including a recommendation to the WHA to approve the General Program of Work (GPW), the adoption of important decisions relating to access to medicines and research and development and a draft resolution on the preparation of the UN High Level Meeting on Tuberculosis.


SouthViews No. 42, 12 November 2012

A resolution by the World Health Assembly: Will there finally be a cure for diseases that affect the poor?

By Carlos Correa

On 26 May 2012 the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution that could mark the first step toward a change in the current pharmaceutical research model. The members of the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to undertake an in-depth examination, at the governmental level, of a report produced in April 2012 by an international group of experts that recommended the adoption of a binding convention on research and development (R&D) that, if approved and implemented, could generate the medicines needed, particularly in developing countries, to address communicable and non-communicable diseases.



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