World Health Organization (WHO)

South Centre Statement to INB13, February 2025

South Centre Statement to the INB13

February 2025

To prevent another COVID-19, the Pandemic Treaty must deliver real legal commitments on equity, technology transfer and benefit-sharing. Negotiations are falling short—consensus can’t mean dilution. A democratic vote is needed.


SC Submission to OHCHR for HRC resolution 50/13, January 2025

Submission by the South Centre to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Inputs for the comprehensive report on ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products (HRC resolution 50/13)

January 2025

The South Centre has provided input for the OHCHR report on new developments and challenges in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products.


Book by the South Centre, 2024

Los retos de futuras pandemias

Entre la política y la ciencia

¿Hacia dónde va la salud mundial?


Las nuevas pandemias son inevitables. ¿Cómo podemos estar mejor preparados para ellas y, sobre todo, cómo podemos evitar los errores e injusticias cometidos durante la pandemia de COVID19? Actualmente se están llevando a cabo negociaciones para formular un tratado internacional vinculante sobre prevención y preparación que garantice respuestas más justas a futuras pandemias. Este libro pretende ser una contribución crítica a estos debates en curso.

¿Cómo garantizar un acceso equitativo a los medicamentos y diagnósticos cuando la mayoría de ellos se producen en un número reducido de países? ¿Cómo explicar que la financiación actual de la cooperación sanitaria esté en manos de un pequeño grupo de países y fundaciones del Norte? ¿Cómo reforzar el papel de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, que actualmente desempeña un papel secundario en la coordinación de las políticas de salud pública?  ¿Por qué se ha sustituido el concepto de «medicamentos esenciales», gran avance de la política de salud pública, por el de «contramedidas médicas», término más acorde con el afán de lucro del sector privado?

Autor: Germán Velásquez, Asesor especial sobre políticas y salud, South Centre de Ginebra


Book by the South Centre, 2024

Les défis des futures pandémies

Enjeux politiques et négociations internationales

Les défis des futures pandémiesDetails:

De nouvelles pandémies sont inéluctables. Comment mieux s’y préparer et surtout comment éviter les erreurs et injustices commises durant la pandémie du Covid-19 ? Des négociations sont en cours pour formuler un traité international contraignant sur la prévention et la préparation pour des réponses plus justes aux futures pandémies. Ce livre se veut une contribution critique aux débats en cours.

Comment garantir l’accès équitable aux médicaments et diagnostics, alors que la majorité d’entre eux sont produits dans un petit nombre de pays ? Comment expliquer que le financement actuel de la coopération en matière de santé se retrouve entre les mains d’un groupe réduit de pays et fondations du Nord ? Comment renforcer le rôle de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, qui ne joue plus qu’un rôle mineur dans la coordination des politiques de santé publique ? Comment se fait-il que le concept de « médicaments essentiels », une avancée majeure dans les politiques de santé publique, soit remplacé par celui de « contre-mesures médicales », un terme qui s’accorde plutôt à la logique de profit du secteur privé ?

La préparation aux futures pandémies nous oblige à nous interroger : comment préserver l’intérêt général, la défense des droits de l’homme et la santé publique ?

Auteur: Germán Velásquez est conseiller spécial en matière de politique et de santé au South Centre à Genève.


South Centre’s Intervention to WHO INB, 18 September 2024

Ongoing Negotiation of a Pandemic Accord: South Centre’s Intervention to WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

18 September 2024

We are pleased to be participating in the morning open sessions of the World Health Organization Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s 11th meeting for the negotiation of a pandemic instrument. See our intervention on 18 September 2024.


Research Paper 208, 10 September 2024

Catalyzing Policy Action to Address Antimicrobial Resistance: Next Steps for Global Governance

By Anthony D. So

The United Nations General Assembly has taken up Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) twice in the past decade, but the follow-through on commitments and financing of both Global and National Action Plans on AMR have lagged considerably behind the policymaker pronouncements. The need to update the intersectoral approach to the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance requires urgent attention if measurable progress is to be made in tackling this One Health challenge. This paper identifies where progress must pick up and outlines how intersectoral action might catalyze needed next steps.


Research Paper 206, 28 August 2024

Equity and Pandemic Preparedness: Navigating the 2024 Amendments to the International Health Regulations  

By Nirmalya Syam

The amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) agreed upon in May 2024 are important for strengthening global health emergency preparedness and response. The negotiations resulted in the IHR amendment now recognizing the importance of equity, including equitable access to health products, enhancing IHR core capacities, and mobilizing financing. The amendments note the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in facilitating timely access to necessary health products by removing barriers and supporting local production and distribution. However, the WHO authority to effectively act in those areas is limited. The IHR as amended will establish a Coordinating Financial Mechanism to provide predictable and sustainable financing for its implementation, particularly in developing countries.

Despite some advancements, the amendments fall short of imposing concrete obligations on developed countries to facilitate timely access to health products and financial support and transfer of technology to developing countries. Overall, the amended IHR represent a significant step toward a more equitable global health framework, setting a precedent for future international health instruments, including the proposed pandemic treaty.


South Centre Statement – IHRs 2005 Amendment, May 2024

Statement on the Amendment to the International Health Regulations

We congratulate the WHO members for the adoption of the  amendments to the International Health Regulations to advance equity in access to health products, increase collaboration and finance to develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities. Efforts must continue to finalise a pandemic treaty.


South Centre Statement – WHA77, 27 May 2024

Statement of the South Centre to the 77th WHA

Agenda Item 3

A critical week for global health with the 77th session of the World Health Assembly. For decision, the future of the pandemic instrument and IHR amendment negotiations.


SC Statement – NAM Health Ministers Meeting, WHA77, 25 May 2024


 25 May 2024

On the sidelines of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly

There is a need for a stronger and more effective WHO, which should be at the centre of norm-setting and moral guidance. NAM can play a key role in shaping the global health agenda. As in the past, the South Centre remains ready to support NAM efforts in this field.


Policy Brief 128, 25 April 2024

The WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body process and the revised draft of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (A/INB/9R/3)

by Nirmalya Syam & Viviana Muñoz Tellez

This Policy Brief considers the negotiating process conducted so far by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for an instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response under the World Health Organization (WHO), and some aspects of the draft text for the Resumed Ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB9R), as well as of the draft proposed resolution for consideration by the World Health Assembly in May 2024. The Policy Brief provides recommendations to assist member States in their negotiations during the INB9R to be held from April 29 to 10 May 2024.
