WTO Public Forum, October 2018

Title:              WTO Rules for Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture and  Food Security: An SDG Compatibility Analysis

Date:              3 October 2018

Venue:           The World Trade Organization, Geneva

Organizer:     Third World Network (TWN) India, Bangladesh Krishok Federation, More and Better Network 

Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”. It remains crucial for all countries and especially developing and least developed countries. It is imperative that a detailed analysis is carried out of Goal 2 targets and the current trade & WTO rules including those prescribed in the SDGs, and how these will help or hinder the achievement of these agreed targets. The current discussion at the WTO on key issues including subsidies, both domestic subsidies and (progress on) export subsidies, market access, TRIPs, investment and e-commerce can be linked clearly to the attainment of all the SDG 2 targets. The Working Session will aim to explore these linkages and make recommendations towards achieving a multilateral trading system that is in sync with the SDG framework, and is itself sustainable, transparent, inclusive and effective.

Presentation – SDG 2 and WTO Agriculture Negotiations

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